一、prompt 命令
功能:设置mysql客户端提示符说明:默认使用mysql命令行登录MySQL服务器后只会有[mysql>]的提示符,利用prompt命令则可以修改默认提示符,有利于数据库的维护,也能有效的防止误操作的发生。用法:可在配置文件中配置,也可在命令行手动设定,写法有些许不同,详细参数说明如下,也可访问官方文档查看细节,链接如下: 详细选项说明:(红色为常用选项)
Option | Description |
\C | The current connection identifier (MySQL 5.7.6 and up) |
\c | A counter that increments for each statement you issue |
\D | The full current date |
\d | The default database |
\h | The server host |
\l | The current delimiter |
\m | Minutes of the current time |
\n | A newline character |
\O | The current month in three-letter format (Jan, Feb, …) |
\o | The current month in numeric format |
\P | am/pm |
\p | The current TCP/IP port or socket file |
\R | The current time, in 24-hour military time (0–23) |
\r | The current time, standard 12-hour time (1–12) |
\S | Semicolon |
\s | Seconds of the current time |
\t | A tab character |
\U | Your full |
\u | Your user name |
\v | The server version |
\w | The current day of the week in three-letter format (Mon, Tue, …) |
\Y | The current year, four digits |
\y | The current year, two digits |
\_ | A space |
\ | A space (a space follows the backslash) |
\' | Single quote |
\" | Double quote |
\\ | A literal “\ ” backslash character |
\ |
以下为配置示例: 1、在my.cnf配置文件[client]部分中增加以下配置prompt="[\\r:\\m:\\s](\\U)[\\d] > " -- 在配置文件中配置都需要用\对配置的参数进行转义
[root@manager ~]# mysql -pEnter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is 15Server version: 5.7.10-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or itsaffiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.[03:11:57](root@localhost)[(none)] > -- 显示时间 + 登录用户 + 当前使用的数据库(未使用则为none) [03:15:40](root@localhost)[test] >
mysql>prompt [\r:\m:\s](\U)[\d] > PROMPT set to '[\r:\m:\s](\U)[\d] >' [03:22:31](root@localhost)[(none)] > -- 显示时间 + 登录用户 + 当前使用的数据库
[03:22:31](root@localhost)[(none)] >prompt (\U)[\d] > PROMPT set to '(\U)[\d] >' (root@localhost)[(none)] > -- 只显示 登录用户 + 当前使用的数据库
功能:tee实现将命令行中的输入输出结果保存到文本文件中,使用该命令能方便的将命令进行日志记录。 用法:tee /tmp/command.log 以下为使用示例:
[03:43:49](root@localhost)[(none)] > tee /tmp/command.log -- 设置将输出的结果保存到文件中Logging to file '/tmp/command.log'[03:44:02](root@localhost)[(none)] > show databases;+--------------------+| Database |+--------------------+| information_schema || mysql || paralleldb || performance_schema || web |+--------------------+10 rows in set (0.00 sec)[03:44:18](root@localhost)[(none)] > system cat /tmp/command.log -- 通过system 命令查看系统文件内容与数据库中内容一致[03:44:02](root@localhost)[(none)] > show databases;+--------------------+| Database |+--------------------+| information_schema || mysql || paralleldb || performance_schema || web |+--------------------+10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
[03:46:55](root@localhost)[(none)] > notee -- 使用notee可结束文件的输出
Outfile disabled.三、pager less/pager命令
功能:实现返回结果页面的分页显示,类似于Linux less 命令,可对分页进行上下翻页,搜索等操作,对返回结果过长很方便,如使用show engine innodb status命令时。用法: pager less -i 表示设置页面分页显示,-i表示不区分大小写,在搜索时十分实用。 pager 直接输入pager表示恢复默认值,也就是不分页显示。 示例:略,可自行测试效果
功能:concat函数能对查询返回的结果进行拼接用法:concat(s1,s2,...sn)常用场景:批量生成对数据库的相关修改语句或导出语句以下为具体示例: 1、批量生成将test数据库中所有表导出为.txt或csv文本的命令 -- 注意需要对单引号用反斜杠(\)进行转义
[04:06:57](root@localhost)[(none)] > select concat('select * into outfile \'/tmp/',table_name,'.csv\' from ',table_schema,'.',table_name,';') from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test';+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| concat('select * into outfile \'/tmp/',table_name,'.csv\' from ',table_schema,'.',table_name,';') |+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| select * into outfile '/tmp/address.csv' from test.address; || select * into outfile '/tmp/address1.csv' from test.address1; || select * into outfile '/tmp/clone_t.csv' from test.clone_t; || select * into outfile '/tmp/lock_test.csv' from test.lock_test; || select * into outfile '/tmp/query_history.csv' from test.query_history; || select * into outfile '/tmp/query_review.csv' from test.query_review; || select * into outfile '/tmp/ram.csv' from test.ram; || select * into outfile '/tmp/t.csv' from test.t; || select * into outfile '/tmp/t1.csv' from test.t1; || select * into outfile '/tmp/t2.csv' from test.t2; || select * into outfile '/tmp/t3.csv' from test.t3; || select * into outfile '/tmp/z.csv' from test.z; |+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 当需要对数据库的表进行批量操作时,通过这种方式批量生成语句能大大提高效率 2、去除结果的虚线框并将结果输出到文件中 -- 通常我们需要将生成的语句保存到一个文件中,并且运行,这时就需要配合tee命令以及mysql客户端的参数了 mysql --skip-column-names --silent (简写为 mysql -ss)能以静默方式登录MySQL服务器并不显示输出结果的虚线框 tee /tmp/export.sql 将执行的结果保存到文件中
[root@manager ~]# mysql -uroot -p -ss -- 使用静默方式登录数据库Enter password: [04:18:55](root@localhost)[(none)] > tee /tmp/export.sql -- 将结果保存到外部文件中Logging to file '/tmp/export.sql'[04:19:04](root@localhost)[(none)] > select concat('select * into outfile \'/tmp/',table_name,'.csv\' from ',table_schema,'.',table_name,';') from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test'; -- 可以看到输出的结果没有虚线框select * into outfile '/tmp/address.csv' from test.address;select * into outfile '/tmp/address1.csv' from test.address1;select * into outfile '/tmp/clone_t.csv' from test.clone_t;select * into outfile '/tmp/lock_test.csv' from test.lock_test;select * into outfile '/tmp/query_history.csv' from test.query_history;select * into outfile '/tmp/query_review.csv' from test.query_review;select * into outfile '/tmp/ram.csv' from test.ram;select * into outfile '/tmp/t.csv' from test.t;select * into outfile '/tmp/t1.csv' from test.t1;select * into outfile '/tmp/t2.csv' from test.t2;select * into outfile '/tmp/t3.csv' from test.t3;select * into outfile '/tmp/z.csv' from test.z;[04:19:08](root@localhost)[(none)] > exit -- 查看tee输出文件中的内容[root@manager ~]# cat /tmp/export.sql [04:19:04](root@localhost)[(none)] > select concat('select * into outfile \'/tmp/',table_name,'.csv\' from ',table_schema,'.',table_name,';') from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test';select * into outfile '/tmp/address.csv' from test.address;select * into outfile '/tmp/address1.csv' from test.address1;select * into outfile '/tmp/clone_t.csv' from test.clone_t;select * into outfile '/tmp/lock_test.csv' from test.lock_test;select * into outfile '/tmp/query_history.csv' from test.query_history;select * into outfile '/tmp/query_review.csv' from test.query_review;select * into outfile '/tmp/ram.csv' from test.ram;select * into outfile '/tmp/t.csv' from test.t;select * into outfile '/tmp/t1.csv' from test.t1;select * into outfile '/tmp/t2.csv' from test.t2;select * into outfile '/tmp/t3.csv' from test.t3;select * into outfile '/tmp/z.csv' from test.z;[04:19:08](root@localhost)[(none)] > exit -- 文件内容记录了所有的操作及输出的结果,可以编辑文件,将文件头的查询语句及文件尾的退出语句删除,则完成了一个将数据库导出成文本文件的的脚本。